By The Stockroom, November 10th, 2015 
As one of the most prominent sex educators on the scene today, Tristan Taormino wears many hats: Any bookstore with an even halfway decent sexuality section is sure to include several of the books that she’s written or edited, such as The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women or 50 Shades of Kink: An Introduction to BDSM. She’s been even more prolific as the producer and director of educational adult videos like The Expert Guide to Pegging.
Taormino’s work has addressed people of all genders and orientations, from vanilla to kinky. But she’s been especially important in expanding the possibilities for non-monogamous relationships. Before polyamory was something commonly discussed on mainstream sites like Slate or Newsweek, her 2008 book Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships served as a guide for people looking for alternatives to monogamy. Seven years later, it’s still one of the most-cited books by veterans and newcomers to polyamory.
This Saturday (November 15), Tristan Taormino will come to Stockroom Hall for an intensive four-hour workshop on how to create and sustain open relationships. We had a conversation with her about the workshop, the ethics of poly relationships, and how polyamory has changed since she wrote Opening Up.
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By The Stockroom, October 20th, 2015 
One of the reasons that National Kink Month and Halloween are so appropriately matched is that they are both great excuses to get dressed up. Not just in the sense of getting out the formal wear that you’d use to impress your family or employers, but taking on a whole new persona, the kind that’s not acceptable in everyday society, but may be much, much more exciting to you and your partner. Getting the right mask is an vital part of dressing up for kink or Halloween (or both). When we step outside (or further inside) ourselves, we can be more present and aware of what is happening to us and within us. Physical and emotional arousal can both be more intense when there are fewer distractions taking us out of what we’re feeling.
The masks and other costume gear that we sell at Stockroom go far beyond the kind that you’ll find at your local drugstore or Halloween pop-up store, so we want to give you a few tips on what’s available, how to take care of them, and a few ideas on how to incorporate masks into play.
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By The Stockroom, October 12th, 2015
October brings a lot of things with it: Besides Halloween and candy, it’s both National Kink Month and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In some ways, the two couldn’t be more different: Kink is a form of mutual pleasure, while abuse is a way of non-consensually controlling and harming another person.

Unfortunately, one of the greatest myths about kink is that it is inherently abuse. While it’s true that sometimes kinky relationships become abusive just like any other, there is a very distinct difference between kink and abuse. We thought that this would be an excellent time to talk about that difference, and how to help yourself or others when that line is crossed.
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